Photographer Takes Alluring Photos Of Buildings Around The World

Photographer Peter Rajkai takes alluring photos of buildings around the world and here are 24 of his photos. You can follow on Instagram.

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La Casa Mas de Miguel

Built in 1929 by modernist architect Domènec Sugrañes i Gras, La Casa Mas de Miguel is one of the most recognizable landmarks on the Avenida Diagonal, home of some of Barcelona’s best known architecture. Sugrañes was a disciple of and collaborator with Antoni Gaudí, especially the Sagrada Familia and the influence of Gaudi can be seen in this lovely mansion though he is certainly more stylistically adept than Gaudi and more inclined to blend disparate influences.

photos of buildings

Tokaj Wine Region

These charming wine cellars belong to the well-known Tokaj Wine Region and became a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site as true masterpieces of folk architecture. There are almost 80 cellars there, standing in four rows with their characteristic triangular entrances. They say that one wine cellar belongs to each house in Hercegkút, where the local winemakers love to share their insights and their delicious products with interested visitors.

Dolomites UNESCO

photos of buildings

Goethe’s Lookout Tower

photos of buildings

Castle Gernstein

photos of buildings

Schloss Neuschwanstein

photos of buildings

Sainte-Chapelle de Paris

photos of buildings

Pirate Bay – Terme Čatež

photos of buildings