First Night at Home from the Shelter – Happiest adoption Photo ever!


The most joyful adoption picture ever! This is what it looks like to save a life… The dog was seen grinning from ear to ear.

The way the loveable dog was hugging the child almost makes it look like the child was just brought home from a shelter. Very endearing.

They don’t ask for much do they ? Just a second chance of a home and some love. Its not their fault.

A pit bull, newly adopted, snuggled up to his little sister, a human, and grinned, for he was now safe and comfortable in his wonderful home.

Pit bulls are less likely to be adopted than other breeds, and being a pit bull can result in a dog spending three times as much time in a shelter.
Pit bulls are a [co.ntentious] breed because of the numerous [as.saults] and [ma.ulings] that have occurred, and potential owners generally steer clear of them.

This by Far is the most precious Picture of a Child and his Dog. . A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!!!!!

He understands what a gift he was given when you adopted him. You are now his family to love and protect! You are gonna get a great friend for the rest of his life.

What an amazing photo, they are the most beautiful animals, thry have such sweet souls. They only want a family to love them, somewhere to lay their head and something to eat.